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Aarti Mehra A Scientist’s Heart: Focus to Animals Soul Hearkening.

Artists, and performers, film, video, and multimedia designers; composers, and other related professionals working for film production companies as well as freelance professionals.
Mumbai born Aarti Mehra is not your conventional scientist or business woman. With an MSc in Chemistry and an MBA in Human Resources, Aarti was a corporate employee until she decided to become a certified Animal Communicator, a Ho’oponopono Healer and now a budding Reiki Healer. Suffice to say, her story is one of passion towards anima and determination to continue narrowing the gap between human beings and animals.

A Voice for the Voiceless
Aarti’s goal is simple yet profound: to build an intimate relationship by being an advocate for the oppressed species. “As she mentioned on the show, there so much that nature and animals would like to impart to people,” he adds. For that reason I agree with the opinion that only co-existence should be the key to living in this world of concrete today. Animal and nature communication is one of the sources that can make it happen.”

Aarti Mehra The Catalyst: A Personal Experience

It is worth knowing that Aarti’s transition to the spiritual search for guidance on how to communicate with animals started with a crisis in her life. She had a very fond animal as her companion which hadSkin disease that could not be treated from any medical treatment medical or else. Said in another way, while searching for a solution to this problem, she discovered animal communication.

Initially, not believing it, Aarti decided to master the skill herself. The results were astounding. It is clear from this account that by recognizing his pet’s signals and responding to her pet, she was able to see her pet improve tremendously. This unique experience helped not only to cure her pet, but also strengthened her faith in the ability to communicate with animals. Locating lost animals was even more evidence of this skill’s importance Adding to this, finding lost pets strengthened the importance of this skill.

Aarti Mehra’s Achievements and Accolades

In 2022 she got the title of Mrs. Maharashtra Mrs. Confident, title means that woman have confident personality and she is sympathetic. That’s not all that she has to her credit. Yalda is a certified Ho’oponopono healing practitioner who works at the same time as an animal communicator using an ancient Hawaiian procedure of forgiveness and conflict-soloving. Currently, she is on the journey to becoming a Reiki healer further increasing the range of her natural healing approaches.

A Lifelong Love for Animals
To some extent, Aarti’s passion for pets was not developed under the roof of her childhood house. “Since the family, I grew up with, had a strong dislike for any type of pets, I knew it was not easy to maintain the love for animals within me,” she noted. Although dinning hope to be a veterinary, her family strongly discouraged it, the passion never fade away. That marriage offered the change which was needed. The house I moved into for the marriage had one. Perhaps you might have probably attributed my marriage to this simple fact – ‘The family had a dog,’ she giggled. This pet kindled the light of animals hence charting her course to practicing as one.

Today’s Anganwadi home is living a testimony to the fact that Aarti’s home is a house full of animals. For many years now she has been handling different types of pets such as chicks, white rats, turtles, parrots, love birds and fishes. She currently has a companion named Roxie, who is the dog, and has been of importance in her path to being an animal communicator.

Aarti Mehra Championing Co-Existence

It is not about making a statement for Aarti; it is about making a change. “I do not have anything that I want to prove.” My only goal is in case I’m able to make a little positive change in the bond provided between the pet and the pet parent then I have to thank the universe for having gifted me this talent.

Her story is one of the examples of the great possibilities of a single person if only she/he will choose to do what They loves and develop his/her talents. Thus, Aarti Mehra through her work is, not only improving the lives of our companions and the companion animals but also helping the world wake up to the inherent oneness of all life’s existence.

Having completed her mission and finding harmony between a scientist’s intellect, a healer’s heart, and an animal’s voice, Aarti Mehra is a brilliant example of how one can and should empathize and become advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves. She on cannot blame trying to establish coexistence for animals, and her push to find a better connection between man and the animal is what makes her a pioneer in animal communication.